Customer Reviews

What People are Saying

Professional and collegiate athletes regularly take advantage of PRP to help speed up the healing of their damaged joints and ligaments, but weekend warriors benefit as well! Following are testimonials of how PRP has helped our patients thrive!

My hair has always been my Achilles heel. I am really not a vain person - and I know there are far worse things to suffer from - but anyone who has thin, fine, slow-growing hair knows exactly what I'm talking about. There's simply nothing you can do with it. Blow drying and highlighting give it a temporary boost but further destroy it. I finally gave up and started wearing it in a wimpy ponytail that only made me look almost bald from the front. Consequently, I have always avoided having pictures taken of me and cringe at the ones that are taken because all I see is my crappy hair, which makes me look unhealthy and sloppy, regardless of how much time I spent trying to make it look presentable.

As I approached 50, it turned from bad to worse as it started thinning. Seriously???!!!! I started doing PRP about a year ago and have had several sessions. It took a while to notice the results (did I mention that my hair grows super-slowly?), but I gradually started to see the thinning areas around my face start to fill in. I then observed it filling in elsewhere. Soon, there was a noticeable improvement. Now, I can unequivocally say that it not only kept the thinning at bay, but my hair is now 'thicker' than it has ever been in my life. This is not a quick-fix solution, but after having tried everything in the past, I am forever grateful that this natural, effective procedure is now available. I just wish it existed 30 years ago.

Karen Manager
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